YDGpatch 1-2-16-14.rar 👑

warrod/ Agosto 5, 2022/ photography/ 0 comments

YDGpatch 1-2-16-14.rar 👑

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YDGpatch 1-2-16-14.rar

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For loop produces wrong output

I’m trying to make this code display the sum of the values in column B of every row that matches the value in cell G4 in the current row. It does this with this code:
Option Explicit
Dim lrow As Long
Dim lcol As Long

lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
lcol = Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

For lrow = 4 To lrow
For lcol = 5 To lcol
If Cells(lrow, lcol).Value = Cells(lrow, “G4”).Value Then
Cells(lrow, lcol).Value = Cells(lrow, “B” & lcol).Value + Cells(lrow, “B” & lcol)
End If
Next lcol
Next lrow

I replaced the range for lrow with an actual number in the loop and this is where the problem was. It seems to work fine for rows 4-49999, but when I try and run it for row 50000 (the last row in column B) it produces an error.


For lrow = 4 To lrow

This evaluates to a 4, not a 5, so Cells(lrow, lcol).Value is wrong. Use
For lrow = 4 To 50006 ‘or whatever the last row of your data is

for lrow to be a 5

! Copyright (C) by Argonne National Laboratory
! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory

! This program is for testing the MBSim routines.

subroutine spmcDump_header
implicit none
include “mpif.h”
integer :: numproc, nstmesh

call MBSim_start_progress(‘MDS-Sim-Accurate-routine’)



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