In The Heart Of The Sea Movie Download In Tamil ~UPD~

warrod/ Novembro 23, 2022/ Sem categoria/ 0 comments

In The Heart Of The Sea Movie Download In Tamil ~UPD~

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In The Heart Of The Sea Movie Download In Tamil

103. The apostle Paul taught us that there are two steps in the life of a disciple: learning and living. The first is acquired knowledge, [115] the second is personal experience. God speaks to people through the word, but people learn about God through the word and its application in their lives. [116] Here the disciple learns by reading and by listening to the word; he or she learns by feeling the word and by applying it to the daily problems of life. [117] In The Heart Of The Sea Movie Download In Tamil

152. Let us examine our situation in the light of the principles which we have just explained. Of course, this is not always easy, for many people are very attached to their material possessions and/or to the atmosphere and lifestyle which these bring with them. [118] However, a Christian is a servant of God, and he must dedicate all he has to serve God. This does not mean renouncing the world, but it does mean giving priority to God in all his activities and devoting ourselves solely to loving, worshiping and serving him. In this way we seek the reward of love, which is God himself. This is the spirit in which we approach God’s house: “Lord, we have no great possessions. So do not think that we are rich! We do not possess what we can boast about, so do not put us on a showy par with the things you see around you, things which can be easily taken away. Our life, spirit, souls, and body belong to you; even all our good works are being carried out for your sake.” [119]

115. Only the word is of God. It is impossible to love others without loving him. As we have seen, the attitude of the heart expresses itself through words and actions; these are the means by which we are able to express our love. The word is the truth made flesh. God’s word is the name of Jesus in the Old Testament (Ex. 20:22). In the New Testament, the word stands for the gospel of Jesus Christ (Mat. 1:21). Love for God comes by the word (1 Thess. 1:4). It is through the words of the Bible that we love and unite ourselves to God. Our intention is always the same: To love and to serve him alone. To love is to hate evil and to serve good. To love God is to hate evil and to serve good. [121]

266. The needs which necessitate this mission should be studied and taken into account in all of our activity. In the Church, the evangelizers must realize that they are the first missionaries who will receive the response of people and make known the love of God in a new way. This is why it is important for the Christian not to seek out new converts to Christianity but rather to make known the love of Christ to those who are open and ready for it. The evangelizer must not restrict himself to the merely theoretical or purely theoretical or purely explanatory; rather, he must seek out the souls who are receptive and who have the need to be taught in this way. He must seek out the inner man, who is hungry for God, and give to him the bread of the word which satisfies his hunger and he can digest; he must call him to conversion, helping him through catechesis to be able to read God’s word, to sense its meaning and to feel its joy and peace. Indeed, the evangelizer is like a physician who goes to the sick, not to treat their physical ailment, but to touch their hearts and give them hope.
267. The Evangelizer belongs to the same kind of community as the evangelized. The task of the evangelist is to live and spread the joys of salvation in the midst of the Church, to live the evangelical life among the people of God. On this subject, St. Paul, in an important passage of the Letter to the Romans (Rom 15:15-27), speaks of the presence of the ekklesia among the people of God (ekklesia being the term used in the New Testament for the local Church). “All the brothers,” he tells us, “who are of one heart and soul, of one mind, and of one strength, and have mercies for one another,” make up “the body of Christ” (Rom 15:25). And he concludes: “The body is one, and has many members; and these members are many, but one body. And the eye can not say to the hand, I have no need of thee; nor again, the head to the feet, I have no need of thee” (Rom 15:26-27). Here we can see that the evangelizing of the evangelized is not a human activity but rather a participation in the gift of the kingdom of God.

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