WIRC Crack Free Download [Latest-2022]

warrod/ Julho 4, 2022/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments


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DownloadDOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)






WIRC Crack+ Activation Key

wIRC is a java IRC client. Features include – command and commandparsing, offline mode, local mode, at the keyboard, inline mode (auto-join), auto-join, automatic nick completion, auto-joins, auto-joins, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, auto-rejoin, offline modes, local modes, and currently, supports 8 languages: english (en), french (fr), german (de), portuguese-br (pt_BR), spanish (es), portuguese (pt), and italian (it)
wIRC License:
wIRC is a GPLv3.0-licensed application.
Functional Examples:
wIRC is a modular java-based IRC client. The user may switch out certain portions of the software, such as the GUI with a CLI, which will require only the CLI portion to be loaded.
There are currently 4 modules for wIRC.


This module is mostly for configuring things like command parsing, and possibly more.
You can install this module by using the./configure script with the following parameters:
./configure –enable-module-grass

This module loads the following plugins:



This module is for launching wIRC with a given configuration, such as a different keymap, or a different group of commands.
You can install this module by using the./configure script with the following parameters:
./configure –enable-module-cmdline

This module loads the following plugins:



This module is mainly for launching wIRC with a list of commands, such as a keyboard macro list, or a configuration file.

WIRC Crack +

wIRC Free Download is a java-based IRC client.
It features a modular architecture that allows for easy swapping out of portions of the program.
Allows for an IRC daemon (such as jircd or mirc) to be run in the background to provide nice server results.
Allows for a GUI (gui is a graphical user interface. For example, MSN Messenger might be said to have a GUI.)
Allows for a TK interface (tk is a toolkit).
Allows for a simple command-line interface.

Here are some examples of plug-ins:

A IM module (aim)
An XML configurator (xmirc)
A configurator of another program (tcgui)

To install wIRC 2022 Crack, simply download and extract the zip file to any directory, then double click on the wIRC.jar file or drag it into your webbrowser of choice.

Java Runtime:

Either the mupdf (Java Runtime Environment) or the java2sdk (Java Standard Development Kit) may be used

Java modules:

wIRC uses the following modules (which may be downloaded from here):

wirc-im.jar: An interface to the xmms IRC protocol (im is short for Instant Messaging.)

wirc-aim.jar: An interface to the MSN XMPP Instant Messaging protocol (aim is short for AOL Instant Messenger)

wirc-beep.jar: A command line beeper module.

wirc-client.jar: A CCLI module (Client Connection Less IRC).

wirc-core.jar: wIRC core classes.

wirc-config.jar: A module that provides a GUI configuration tool.

wirc-daemon.jar: A module that may be used for providing a GUI or CLI IRC server.

wirc-irc.jar: An interface to the Beryl irc protocol.

wirc-internet.jar: A module that provides an interface to an external programs IRC server that will be used to connect. (internet stands for Internet).

wirc-network.jar: An interface to the Beryl network protocol.

wirc-networking.jar: An interface to the Beryl network protocol.

wirc-nntp.jar: An interface to the Beryl

WIRC Crack +

wIRC is a lightweight,
cross-platform client for IRC. It does
not require installation and is pretty
fast and complete. Its core functionality
is intended to be easily extensible
though most of the core code is
included by default. Check out the
feature list, download and sample logs,
try it out in the Demo Channel or get
the source from


Lightweight Java IRC Client
Chat in multiple channels (per default)
Announce your presence in a channel
Include your nick in all channel messages
Attach files to a channel
Automatically fetching 3rd Party mods
Can be run from a script
Configurable proxy options
Optional hilight script auto-execution
Optional and automatic log saving
Optional and automatic screen capturing
Optional and automatic plugins
Optional and automatic script auto-execution
Optional and automatic split control panel
Option to create custom messages
Additional colors/positions for your nickname and user label
Option to hide and show connection errors
Option to hide/show server and network messages
Option to hide/show channel messages
Option to hide/show everybody messages
Option to hide/show private messages
Options to hide/show text channel messages
Option to hide/show user messages (GM only)
Option to show/hide channel icons
Option to block other users actions
Option to block other users input
Option to block other users voice
Option to block other users presence
Option to block other users links
Option to block other users commands
Option to block other users private messages
Option to block other users messages
Option to block other users separate status and message lists
Option to block other users bot status
Option to block other users web browser status
Option to disable specific lags
Option to autoban users after a configurable lag
Option to autoban users after a configurable idleness
Option to autoaccept current user invite
Option to ignore public messages
Option to ignore public messages for yourself
Option to add yourself to only X few channels
Option to autoreconnect after Z disconnection intervals
Option to enable/disable automatic reconnect
Option to enable/disable automatic rejoin
Option to hide/show your text channel
Option to hide/show your status
Option to move to 1st column
Option to move to 2nd column
Option to move to 3rd column
Option to

What’s New In WIRC?

wIRC is a java IRC client based off the JWIRC project. See
About wIRC:
wIRC is written in Java, and relies heavily on various open source projects to ensure that it is highly modular and configurable. wIRC’s plug-in architecture allows it to easily adapt to different scenarios.
For those who are more familiar with wIRC’s source, there is a large project to remove all of the GUI and load the whole wIRC configuration using the JNI API. This project is tracked at
About wIRC Plug-ins:
wIRC provides support for writing plug-ins in Java using the JNI API. A plug-in is essentially a jar file that wIRC loads when starting.
Plug-ins can extend various parts of the wIRC program, or any public interface of a program. For example, a plug-in may extend the wIRC GUI with a custom control.
Another example could be a plug-in that formats/adds a link to a page.
wIRC and Wireshark:
A number of people are using wIRC together with Wireshark to monitor IRC traffic at Wireshark is an open source packet sniffer application that allows you to analyze the contents of packets.
wIRC is a widely used IRC client for OS X users. It is compatible with both OS X 10.4.11, and OS X 10.5 Leopard.
One note about wIRC:
wIRC is written in Java, and might not be able to be used on older versions of Java and/or older operating systems. There is support for Mac OS X 10.4.11, and Java 1.5.0 (prior versions will likely crash at startup).
You may need to recompile wIRC or jIRC for your current version of Java or OS.
wIRC System Requirements:



wIRC Build Status:
wIRC has made steady progress in its development over the past four years, and has passed most of the tests included in its built. For more information about wIRC, see:
So wIRC may have some issues, or bugs. If you encounter any issues, please report them

System Requirements:

Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista and 7
Windows XP, Vista and 7 Processor: 1GHz CPU
1GHz CPU Memory: 256 MB RAM
256 MB RAM Hard Disk: 4 GB available space
4 GB available space Graphics Card: OpenGL 2.0 compatible
OpenGL 2.0 compatible Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 compatible
DX9 compatible Internet Connection: 512 Kbps
512 Kbps Additional Requirements:
Create or edit files in the dir “Game files”
Install SGF installer


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