FULL Slammed Tim Liam Cole [VERIFIED]

warrod/ Novembro 19, 2022/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments


FULL Slammed Tim Liam Cole

liams post says, quite simply, that this scene is murdered. now i already know that all the scenes are not as hot as he thinks they are, but this is the only one he talks about in any detail. this is where he claims, and i believe him, that the camera is always on and that the audio is off. but ive seen a handful of scenes in my lifetime and they all have the same look, which is that the people in them are having an amazing time. if it wasnt for t.i.m.s softcore/erotic films, i would never have known that its possible to create great sex with a handheld camera, and that the two people involved love each others company as much as we do. this scene is so hot that i would really have to wonder why liam is talking shit about it.

i love you tim. i love you paul. i love you liam. i love you the warm breeze, the taste of ice-cream and the feeling of the sun warming my skin. i love you because you have let me in, to the heart of what it is to be human. i love you because you are a part of my life and i want you to stay that way.

liam cole is not a sports fan, because its obvious that anyone who plays the game is a fan. baseball, like politics, is a game for suckers. its a game for building cars and living in glass boxes. its for the everyday people. its just that simple.

liam cole has a set of rules that he lives by. its all about the fisting. he can sling it, he can hit it, he can catch it, but he can only fuck it. he will only fuck it, because thats all he knows how to do. he can fuck it real good. he cant play baseball. he doesnt know the game. the game doesnt matter. the game is for suckers. who the fuck are you to judge someone else for their hobby?

******… Im sorry. What was supposed to be a quick and easy one line post has turned into a five part reply. Im not writing about this subject because of the fact that its Jim Deakins wife or anything like that. Ive got no clue why Im writing anything at all, really. It just happened. I just came across something on the net. Its perhaps best to quote the film maker in full, I guess.
One of Treasure Island Media’s most famous films. The first unedited version. Packed with story. Full of everything, had it all. It’s with Tim Cole Liam and his boys, the one and only Max and the wild Eric. Shes the wildest of them all, even more than Kyle, pounding him raw in his box while he screws her. She’s his ‘animal’, and its her first and last time. When she climaxes the whole crew erupts, and they continue. Except Eric, who can’t help himself he always has to get in the action. Literally.
Tom Ackerley is a typical Brit. He has been a record producer for 40 years, and between that and running an obscure London club, he is a wealthy, classic London cunt. He knows the old underground gay community, and he knows if he’s going to get involved, he’s got to do it on his own terms. He likes the sailors so goes to an East End club to meet one, that he meets himself, and finds his script. This is the first film Tom Ackerley has ever produced. This is the film that he wanted for himself. Its self-indulgence, its miserable, self-induced, fucked-up mess, is all Tom. He is the Phil Sandifer of British porn making. It’s Tom’s film the way he wants it. Two boys on the edge of losing it, in the middle of a snort-pack, pounding into each other for over thirty minutes. Watching this now, 15 years later, it’s incredible how full this film is, and so simple. It has been commented that this movie isn’t gay, because its not pretending that its gay. It is gay. Its gay from the inside. Nothing is faked here. Nothing is eroticised by Tim or Eric, they have their own twisted understanding of sex, but its all based on realness and truth.


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