Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan Notoatmodjo.pdf

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Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan Notoatmodjo.pdf

Kepulauan Ombilin: Berita dalam Indonesia, lanjutannya metodologi penelitian kesehatan Notoatmodjo S 2010, Notatmodjo, S. (2010). Metodologi. Kesehatan. Lingkungan. 2017. Menggunakan…�In what is being called a major step forward for the Division of Preservation Services, the Smithsonian will unveil a new $35 million facility to showcase the permanent collection at the National Museum of Natural History on Jan. 14, 2004. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History is one of the nation’s great cultural treasures, and its Division of Collection Care has a mission to preserve the collection, care for the objects, educate the public, and enhance the understanding and appreciation of the collection. “This new research and preservation laboratory, which will function as a regional resource center, will represent a new level of technology, conservation, and preservation,” said Linda Steckel, director of the Division of Preservation Services. “This will ultimately save the institution a significant sum of money, and will benefit the public tremendously.” The laboratory will be a separate facility from the museum, located at the hilltop on the Mall on the site of the former Anacostia Museum. The goal of this facility will be to safeguard the collection from the many stresses of traveling, and to also document and explain the origins of the objects. It will also offer the public a more intimate space for viewing objects that are not on display in the museum. “This facility will give the public a whole new perspective on collections, and will change forever how we look at our natural history collections and the resources for their care. We are extremely grateful to President Bush, the Department of Commerce, and the administration for funding this important project,” said Steckel. “The Division of Preservation is proud to have a facility of this caliber in the Smithsonian. The public will benefit greatly from this facility, as well as the institution.” The Lab will concentrate on the increasingly difficult job of documentation and management of collections. For example, objects are often rendered undecipherable in the form of pottery, coins, or complex decorative patterns that no longer retain form or meaning. Researchers and curators will study the objects and attempt to decipher what they once were, or what they once may have been able to do. Objections to saving these objects are often based on what they may be able to do once they are reconstructed. “This facility will also create new ways to make collections accessible to the public. With a new computer center and digital imaging resources, objects no longer require special handling or mounting. The public will have more opportunities to see these items, and will be able to touch them, hold them, and smell them,” said Steckel. With this new facility, and the new ways of curating these collections, the Division of Collection Care will be ready for the next wave of technological developments, such as 3-D printing, nanotechnology, and micro engineering.

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